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On Cambridge TV - Behind the brush

Last October, a film crew from Cambridge TV came over to my house (following my consent ofcourse) to film me for a feature in a 24 minute Art Show that they were making about Cambridge's local art scene. The filming involved the crew coming to me for an interview, asking me to talk about and show some of my finished pieces, as well as filming me work on my most recent painting. Other local Cambridge artists that got involved include Justin Rowe, Ben John, St Barnabas Press and John Clark.

The December following, I was emailed the links to be able to watch the 24 minute Art Show online and now I wish to share this with you. The show has been divided into two episodes. My segment is in the first part of the second episode. For the full experience of getting a taste of Cambridge's local art scene, I have been recommended and also recommend to anyone to watch both episodes back to back. Enjoy!

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